Create Bundles
Intelligent bundle suggestions with hassle-free creation
Intelligent Bundle Suggestions
PoshieBot will group your likes for you so it's easier to see who you should send bundles to and what they should contain. If you like the bundle, click Create to have it automatically created and the listings added to it.
Get Bundle Addition Suggestions
When someone already has a bundle for your closet and they like a new item, PoshieBot will show you the new listings to add to the bundle. You can also add them to the bundle with the click of a button!
Change Your Settings
Increase or decrease how many listings someone needs to like for PoshieBot to suggest creating a bundle.
Frequest Updates
PoshieBot will check for new bundle suggestions frequently so you can create bundles while the buyers are still shopping.
Automatic Bundling*
Save even more time by turning on automatic bundling. When enabled, PoshieBot will automatically create any suggested bundles so you don't have to.
*Feature coming soon.